Frank Fiore – Novelist & Screenwriter

June 19, 2021

CYBERKILL Movie Update – Crowd Sourcing

Filed under: Uncategorized — Frank Fiore @ 8:41 AM

We are planning to have about 60 videos, blogs, press releases and updates during the crowd funding campaign.

Visit for updates.

March 16, 2021


Filed under: Uncategorized — Frank Fiore @ 8:06 PM

Miss Teen Universe USA Joins MOA Music for Music Video in Support of Upcoming Action Thriller CYBERKILL.

Yep. We have our own music video for CYBERKILL.

Check it out.

March 15, 2021


Filed under: Uncategorized — Frank Fiore @ 8:27 AM

The new CYBERKILL MOVIE Web site is Up! We’ll be adding to it as time progresses. We’ve added production and stills from the movie. Check it out.

What do you think?

March 1, 2021

THE JOURNEY: How CYBERKILL is Becoming a Movie

Filed under: CyberKill — Frank Fiore @ 1:05 PM

I suppose, it’s every authors dream to see their story adapted to the screen. That dream may be coming true for my novel CYBERKILL.

So, you may ask how this almost impossible dream is coming true for me. Especially if you are an author. And it IS damn near impossible without tons of work, persistence – and a bit of LUCK. So I thought I’d record the journey so far and how it came about.

How did it happen? No. It didn’t happen because I found a movie agent. No. It did not happen because I sent my screenplay to producers or anyone in the movie industry that I found or knew — though believe me, I tried. For years.

No. It was a combination of perseverance, timing – and yes, luck.

Let’s start from the beginning. CYBERKILL was written 10 years ago. Though it was critically acclaimed on AMAZON – all 5 Star Ratings – it didn’t rise to the level of a best seller. If you are an author you know it’s close to impossible to break through the clutter of books being published every month to try and get visibility. I spent thousands and thousands of dollars promoting the book over the years through social media and the like. Even hired a marketing person.

The result was – I sold some books. Not enough to recoup my promotional expenses.

But I believe in the saying “Work Smart. Not Hard” so when my original publisher went out of business, CYBERKILL became a ghost of things past.

Over those ten years, a couple we knew became close friends. The woman, DM, was my press agent for MURRAN. At that time, I turned my attention to MURRAN and let CYBERKILL stew and wanted to promote MURRAN – my latest book at the time. It too was picked up by a small press and garnered great reviews.

So, the years past and Doug, the husband of DM – went on to develop his and hers media presence on the Web. Meeting lots of professional people in the movie and entertainment industry. He eventually served on the Advisory Board for the Rome International Film Festival.

He was fascinated by CYBERKILL from the beginning and wanted to see it re-published and made into a movie – along with many others in my life. At the time I had no idea of how to do that and told him my efforts so far were nil.

So, he found me a small press – one of his many close contacts – and they published CYBERKILL.

I was faced again on how to promote the book. If I was going to spend thousands of dollars of my own money on social media promotion and the like – which garnered very little for my books – I decided to pursue the possibility of making CYBERKILL into a movie and spend money on that.

So, with a new publisher in hand and CYBERKILL resurrected, I asked him about creating a ‘sizzle reel’ that people in the movie industry create sometimes to get across what the real movie would be like. I had no idea of how to create such a reel or who to approach. And I told him so. He said he would put me in touch with a production company here in Phoenix that he has used in the past. So I met with them and within a few months, we had a movie trailer and a short produced.

I know one thing. I learned pretty quickly what goes into making a movie. Whether a trailer or a short or an entire 2 hour movie. There is no difference. The process is same. From development to pre-production, to production, to post-production. I was having a crash course in movie making.

While all this was happening, we were approached by a Latin music artist with hundred of thousand followers who said he wanted to write a song for CYBERKILL – for free! He was looking for visibility in the American market. So, we produced the music video and are using it to promote CYBERKILL the movie on crowd sourcing sites.

In addition, Doug arranged for us to meet with the Columbus Georgia Film Commission to apply for a $500,000 grant if we film the movie there. As of last, they were very interested in the film and we hope to hear something from them in March. We also have a web site home page set up. Things are moving quickly.

So, what do I owe this current success to? What can other authors learn from my experience? Is it dumb luck or the years of developing contacts where one of them paid off?

Don’t know for sure. But what I do know, don’t discount the smallest friendships or contacts that happen in your life. They may pay off some day. I have had dozens and dozens that did not pay off. But sometimes all it takes is one well connected colleague.

The process of making the trailer and short was exciting and even if the project does not pan out, I have learned a lot about movie making and watch movies now in an entirely new light.

I’ll continue to post to this blog as the project advances and see if CYBERKILL the movie becomes a reality.

February 11, 2021

CYBERKILL Now Available for Mobile Devices

Filed under: CyberKill — Frank Fiore @ 10:58 AM

CYBERKILL is now on GOOGLE PlayStore.


“A hightechcult,governmentsecrets,andmurderousmachineswithanagendaarejustawarmup.Itishardtoaskfor anything better and this book weaves together all of these and more in a way that brings you into its grip and leaves you payingcloserattentiontocurrentevents,justincase.”–JeanFrancois,IT Director,FordMotorCompany


“A fascinating combination of Issac A simov, Ray Bradbury and current events! Enough plot lines to keep your head spinning while you’re frantically turning the pages to find out what happens next.”


“Death delivered by world-spanning computer systems– and a programmer that finds himself in the crosshairs of a terrorist Brotherhood and its mysterious cybernetic leader that seek to kill him in an ever-tightening pursuit.”


“Convincing and suspenseful providing just enough paranoia to keep us wondering if it could really happen.”

January 25, 2021

CYBERKILL Next Edition Now Available

Filed under: CyberKill — Frank Fiore @ 2:20 PM

Woodcrafts Press has released the new edition of CYBERKILL in hardback, paperback and digital formats. For your reading pleasure and soon to be made into feature movie.

January 19, 2021

The CYBERKILL Movie Poster

Filed under: CyberKill — Frank Fiore @ 9:45 AM

Our money people are working on the investor presentation.

This will be the CYBERKILL movie poster when its production is funded.


January 14, 2021

CYBERKILL Short is Now on IMDb

Filed under: Uncategorized — Frank Fiore @ 10:36 AM
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cyberkill_final POD cover


The CYBERKILL Short is now listed on the Internet Movie Data Base.

As Facebook is used by employers to gather information on potential employees, the IMDb is used by Producers, Directors, talent – and Investors to gather information of a movie project. Good credibility for the project.

We are currently creating an Investor Deck – sort of a slide show of the investment opportunity – and seeking investors when done.





December 28, 2020

THEY’RE Here !! The CYBERKILL Pitch Reels

Filed under: Uncategorized — Frank Fiore @ 10:42 AM

The CYBERKILL investor pitch reels are finished. Pitch reels or – sizzle reels – are used to raise interest and capital to invest in the creation of the actual film.

The Pitch Trailer

The Pitch Short

December 14, 2020

CYBERKILL: Post-Production

Filed under: CyberKill — Frank Fiore @ 10:01 AM

Post-Production in process.

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